Thursday 5 July 2012

Borderlands Logo

Borderlands logo. I thought that the two overlaid colours here gave a good, almost 3D look.

Borderlands Logo

Borderlands logo. I created the paint splat in a similar way to my first Borderlands logo poster, but this time left the stencil on, to keep the paint confined to the symbol. I think the small difference in background colour and splat colour work well to give a subtle effect.

Borderlands Logo

Borderlands logo. I found that throwing the paint by hand gave a much more natural look to the paint splat, and made a nice variety of droplets and smears.

HL Black Mesa

Half life Black Mesa logo. I didn't mix the paint too much here, and it had an interesting marbling effect, so I might try it again.

HL2 Combine

Half Life 2 Combine logo. I used a sponge to print this piece and it gave a nice eroded effect to the whole thing.